
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cardboard Helmet Tutorial Update - Reader's Photos!

Some of you may remember way back in the early days of my blog (a whopping 9 months ago!) that my husband "guest posted" on my blog with a tutorial on how to make a cardboard helmet. We had no idea what a response we would get from that post. I figured it would just sit and not get any views, especially since I see the "blogisphere" to be more of a lady's domain. I was so dead wrong!

Day after day, week after week, month after month, my husband's tutorial consistently stays at the top as the most viewed post! I kid you not! As of right now it is my most viewed post at a staggering 3700 pageviews! That blows my mind! Even my pallet garden tutorial, which I thought would exceed the helmet tutorial, only has a measly 1621 pageviews.

Needless to say, I continue to bug Brian to do more cardboard craft tutorials. There is a huge demand for it apparently! Brian makes them for fun and for the movies that he makes on the side. Evidently there are plenty of others out there who want to make them too!

Several people have left comments saying that they made a helmet but one lovely reader named Deb sent me a picture of the one she made! I think it looks fantastic! Her church was doing Kingdom Rock themed VBS and she was playing a knight. 

We absolutely love reading comments from this tutorial and I was giddy like a little kid to get a photo! It is really cool to see someone else's version of something on my blog. Thanks Deb for sending us a photo! We love it!

If you've made a helmet from Brian's tutorial (or any other post be it craft, DIY or recipe), we would love to see it! We'll only post it with your permission but we think the world should see your fantastic work as well! Send any photos to

In the meantime, I'll be bugging Brian even more to write up another tutorial!

Have you made anything from one of the posts here at Happily Ever Crafter? What was it? How did it turn out?

Till next time,

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