
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Great Gatsby

The book club that I'm in recently chose The Great Gatsby to be our next book! Believe it or not, I never had to read it in high school and never read it outside of school either. I know, I know. Shame! It's such a monumental classic it's hard to believe I've never read it!

The Great Gatsby is also about to come out on May 10th which is really exciting!

Here's the trailer:

For some reason I feel like Joseph Gordon-Levitt would be a good fit in this movie. Dare I say, in place of Leo? He's never been my favorite but he's a good actor, nonetheless. 

I just received my book the other day and I'm excited to get into it and finally read this classic! 

Have you read The Great Gatsby? Are you excited about the movie?

Till next time,

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