
Monday, April 1, 2013

The Walking Dead Workout-Season 2

Better late than never, here's my recap of Season 2 of The Walking Dead Workout! We're about halfway through Season 3, I know...I know. The season is over, but we don't have TV so we just watch the episodes online after they've aired. This show is so intense! 

If you haven't been following this workout, here are the rules for when you're watching the show:

You can also find my intro to The Walking Dead Workout HERE and the complete Season 1 HERE

Just to clarify, the numbers are the TOTAL numbers of what exercise you should be doing, not how many of each thing happened. For example, in Season 2-Episode 1, you will do 25 crunches, meaning only 5 walkers were killed. Don't worry, you won't always have it so easy! 

Here's another quick breakdown if you're looking for more targeted workouts.

Season 2:

Episode 1-Easy
Episode 2-Easy
Episode 3-Abs
Episode 4-Easy
Episode 5-Easy
Episode 6-Abs
Episode 7-Abs
Episode 8-Legs
Episode 9-Moderate/Abs
Episode 10-Abs
Episode 11-Moderate/Abs
Episode 12-Hard/Abs

I also explained more details and particulars in this post HERE about Season 1. 

What do you think about The Walking Dead Workout? Is it something you'd try? 

Till next time,

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