
Monday, April 8, 2013

Coconut Oil Giveaway-Winner Update!

You may remember my insane excitement regarding my very first giveaway last month, well my lovely winner, Rachel D., sent me a couple pictures of how she's using her prize! If you don't remember, the prize was an entire quart of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil! That stuff is the bomb! I add it to so much of my cooking and even feed it to my dogs to maintain their health!

Rachel made this yummy popcorn with her coconut oil!


I want to dig in too! It looks so delicious! The recipe is quick and easy...I'll post it tomorrow!

Rachel works with doTERRA essential oils company so be sure to check out her website! I have personally only bought and used Young Living essential oils but I have been wanting to experience other companies as well. Hint hint! Keep your for another potential review and giveaway in the near future!!!

What would you have made if you won? If you use essential oils, what's your favorite brand and why? What oil would you love to win?

Till next time,

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