
Friday, October 26, 2012

Vinegar Is Tough on Mold!

Yikes! First time I missed a day at blogging! Sorry, guys! I'll just have to write two today.

I've been seeing a lot of pins on Pinterest about using vinegar and vinegar/baking soda combos to clean all sorts of things around the house. Last night I finally tried it out! While my husband was on the patio spray painting a handmade helmet for a movie that he and some friends are making, I couldn't stop looking at the nasty mold on our back door! I've been saying for forever that I need to clean it but I just never get around to it. So finally, enough was enough and I grabbed some paper towels and a bottle of white vinegar and went to town. It cleaned up the mess in no time! I didn't get before and after pictures, but I still have to do our shed door, which is worse so I'll try to get those today and share. Simply vinegar and a paper towel. Who knew!

There were a couple of tough spots so I wet some paper towels with vinegar and sprinkled a little baking soda on top then scrubbed a little more and it worked like a charm! I absolutely love finding cheap, non toxic, natural versions of cleaners for my house! I don't want to be breathing in chemicals and my animals to be breathing them in either. Or God forbid one of them get into something toxic!

What's your favorite household cleaner? What do you like to use on any nasty mold stains? Do you prefer to go with the natural or conventional cleaners?

Till next time,

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